CGA Studio Games
Based in Liverpool, United Kingdom
Release date:
8 August 2016
Regular Price:
USD | $14.99 |
EUR | €14.99 |
CAD | $16.99 |
GBP | £9.99 |
Psychedelic Space Racing The year is 2132. In the far reaches of the galaxy, gigantic space creatures have been discovered. Creatures that vomit solid matter out of their mouths. Solid matter that is the perfect substance to drive beat up cars in a race to enter the creature’s mouth. We call it the Space Ribbon. In the fastest growing sport in the galaxy, be the first to chase down a giant space beast as it spews a completely different psychedelic racetrack out of its mouth every time you play. Modify junked up classic cars and turn them into the fastest in space.
Space Ribbon was born out of a game-jam in New Zealand. The concept of Ben Mitchell (@WildEep) a programer with over 15 years industry experience and an passion for old fenceposts (https://uk.pinterest.com/wildeep/fencepost-of-the-week/). Using Unity3D and Blender Ben single handedly created a working prototype with 4 cars to choose from. The game was presented to Jon Wetherall and the Onteca team in June 2015. The daring a quirky design instantly appealed to the whole team and work began to improve the graphics and extend the gameplay features. We’re bringing a unique racing experience using our 3 pillars or design: -Procedural track generation -Retrofit vehicle and environment design with a psychedelic twist -Pack style racing that keeps players in the action
- Never the same track twice!
- Intelligent track generation combines procedural AI with great track design
- Navigate a twisting, turning, unpredictable racetrack as it appears ahead of you.
- Race your friends with up to 4 Player split-screen.
- 2 classes of car, with 4 in each class, each with different strengths.
- Level up your racer to unlock new and harder race modes including cosmic mode.
- Unlock new cars and upgrades to improve engine, grip and slipstreaming.
Trailer YouTube
Gameplay 1080p60fps YouTube
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About CGA Studio Games
CGA Studio Games are a British game studio with a passion for making indie games that stand out by being eccentric, original and highly memorable.
CGA Studio Games's team have many years of game development experience, some of which working for major studios such as Sony or Lucas Arts, but live and breath the indie game developer ethic. Where possible they make the games that they want to play. trying to create our games that avoid staid sterotypes within gaming to capture something eccentric and strange. People often describe our games as 'trippy' but they can't see why chasing a giant retro panda through space in retro refitted classic cars is odd.
More information
More information on CGA Studio Games, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Space Ribbon Credits
Jon Wetherall
Simon Pemberton
Ben Mitchell
Dave Griffiths
Danny Caller
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks